Monday, March 22, 2010

Oh hey running is not so bad

Well! So! As it turns out, I enjoy to run. I guess I had kind of not been enjoying it for awhile...I guess since I moved to Atlanta about a year ago. I think the reasons I hadn't been enjoying it were many. Some of those reasons will still be around, such as the wretched weather. That will be mitigated this year, hopefully, with my plan of getting into decent shape before the weather gets too hot and humid. Running is always more fun when you're in good shape to do it. Other things contributing to my lack of running enjoyment were maybe more about lack of general life enjoyment. Those things are on the way out, though, as my dissertation is DONE, I have a JOB, and I won't have to travel every other danged week.

Anyways, so, running has been going pretty great as I actually have the desire to get out and do it. My foot still nags from time to time, but my running coach friend assures me that it's not hurting in a worrisome spot, or whatever, so I think I'm good there. I think that as a short-term goal, I'll plan to run some 5k's or (eek) 1500's at the Atlanta Track Club all-comers meets this summer. I wonder how it will be to run on a track again? It has been many moons.

I'm still keeping track of my step count every day, as well as my weight. I think there is not enough data for an interesting graph yet. One interesting thing, though, is that my weight has like a 10-pound range, corresponding to nothing obvious. This is actually really helpful, as it's hard to care about my weight on a given day when I know the size of the error bars.

Finally, in the spirit of "things I see while running". Yesterday I ran up behind a walking dude, who was doing just the SASSIEST arm and hip movements you ever did see. It was either a dance or a really animated conversation. Anyways it is not funny to read about but it sure was funny to see. Also, it is hard to run while laughing, and even harder to conceal that laughter as you run on past the...laugh-ee.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

what a weakling

My stabby pain, it remains. I am hobbled even while Wii bowling. Ridiculous. Anyways. Mind over matter, you butthead of a foot! I shall make my little goal of 4 runs this week. For today I lifted weights, which has been even more scarce than running lately. I expect to be too sore to type tomorrow.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Whoa doggies

I have made myself sore! AND a little injured! I ran again today (in the snow (in Atlanta!)) with no watch, probably the same amount of time as yesterday. And I have stabbing pains in my left foot and lower leg, causing me to gimp about pathetically. It's all part of the fun of getting back into shape, hooray.

So! Another new think I'm doing to encourage non-sedentariness (don't you red underline me, SPELL-CHECKER, I'm a DOCTOR, it's a word if I SAY it's a word) is to wear a step-counter during the day. It's like a cheap pedometer that measures number of steps instead of distance. They say to aim for 10,000 steps in a day--yesterday I did over 12,000 and today around 9200. Although I did accidentally press 'reset' today so it's kind of a guess. Anyways. Interesting! I'll make a graph after some time passes. Because, you know, the nerdiness.

Monday, March 1, 2010

I'm a doctor now I ain't need no bullet points

So! Here we are. I have defended, and I guess I almost basically have my Ph.D. now, pending a few changes to my dissertation. I also abandoned any form of exercise entirely for the past 2 months. I think that when things get too stressful running is less of a help than single-mindedly focusing on whatever needs to get done.

But! Now the time for excuses is over, and it's time to get back in shape. Over the course of grad school there have been times where I was running a lot (see 26 miles on 26th birthday, and the quickly-abandoned "marathon training") and times where I barely ran (see last 2 months). I'd like to reclaim some of the runner I used to be, and I think now is a good time for a fresh start.

I think what I need is a goal. I was thinking of possible goals today, and I found that most of the things I thought of involved becoming as fast as I used to be at some distance or another. I don't think that's the kind of goal I'd like to pursue though, I think what I need is something new. So here are the things that I haven't done, or haven't seriously trained for:

  1. Marathon and half-marathon
  2. Triathlon
  3. Mid-distance races, like the 1500 or mile
Probably there are more, but that's all I can think of now. So I'll think about that for a few days and pick one...and then use this here secret blog to keep track of training and motivate myself.

For now, though, I am just trying to get back into a routine of regular running. I'm aiming for 4 runs per week and no particular pace or distance, at first. Today I ran for 40 minutes, and it was totally easy (as the first day back always is). I'll be tired and whiny and excuse-making after 3 days or so though, I'm sure. We will see!