Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Whoa doggies

I have made myself sore! AND a little injured! I ran again today (in the snow (in Atlanta!)) with no watch, probably the same amount of time as yesterday. And I have stabbing pains in my left foot and lower leg, causing me to gimp about pathetically. It's all part of the fun of getting back into shape, hooray.

So! Another new think I'm doing to encourage non-sedentariness (don't you red underline me, SPELL-CHECKER, I'm a DOCTOR, it's a word if I SAY it's a word) is to wear a step-counter during the day. It's like a cheap pedometer that measures number of steps instead of distance. They say to aim for 10,000 steps in a day--yesterday I did over 12,000 and today around 9200. Although I did accidentally press 'reset' today so it's kind of a guess. Anyways. Interesting! I'll make a graph after some time passes. Because, you know, the nerdiness.

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